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Volunteer Opportunities


The goal of the hospitality ministry is to create and demonstrate an atmosphere of love, an ethic of excellence, a discipline of Christian love through the act of service to others. This ministry’s primary focus is serve others in rendering helping hands on a regular basis to our pastors, guest and members of HHIC.

Church Décor is rendered hand in hand with hospitality ministry and they help create a loving atmosphere through Ministry designs, selects, and decorations installations for HHHIC on an on-going basis as well as for special services, holidays, and events. The goal of this ministry is to provide a living space that is both comforting and welcoming to pastors, members, and guest.


A component of the Music & Worship Arts Ministry at HHIC, Word Became Dance, including Greater Grace for the seasoned dancer, offers the opportunity to worship with the living temple, the body, as a living sacrifice unto God through liturgical dance. This ministry includes children, teens, young adults, and men.


Under the leadership of the Minister of Music, this ministry serves HHIC by providing music and worship arts for all worship experiences. The Music and Worship leaders include representatives from all performance ministry aggregations of all age groups and seek to engage the entire congregation to participate in worship.


Ushers greet and direct worshipers on sacred ground with a warm and embracing spirit. This ministry maintains an atmosphere of consecration and reflection toward God during worship service. The ushers seat members and visitors in an orderly manner, direct appropriate movement during service, collect the offering and render love and assistant when needed at the altar. HHIC Greeters station themselves in the lobby and parking area before worship services to offer a friendly smile, directions, and assistance to our visitors. The goal of this ministry is to ensure visitors feel welcome and have an uplifting experience that encourages them to come back, again and again.


Transportation Ministry supports HHIC and its ministries by providing safe transportation to members and community patrons to and from HHIC events or activities upon request. If you are in need of transportation assistance please visit contact us


This ministry supports all HHIC worship services, special events, and activities by providing equipment, personnel and logistics for sound, visuals, and production. An Intricate part to the success of spreading the good news of Christ, our audio and visual ministry is a great learning opportunity to those desiring to advance the Kingdom and use their technical skills to furthering the gospel.

All Rights Reserved @ Copyright 2024 Harvest of Harmony International Church P.O BOX 11506 • Fresno • CA • 93773• Tel: (559) 485-1446

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